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Anytime, Anywhere Training

"Anytime, Anywhere"  means truly convenient access to all of KMI's training programs including:

  • Blended ("Flipped") public or private workshops conducted around the globe
  • Self-paced e-learning on demand
  • Virtual classes and Collaboration (Hybrids)
  • All enhanced by access to the KMI Knowledge Hub...

"Rethink Learning” is an imperative in the Knowledge Age as we create knowledge-based learning organizations.  At The KM Institute, we strive todeliver our courses using the latest learning methods to benefit you, yourcareer, and your Knowledge Age organization.

The 3 Main Delivery Modes

1) Face-to-Face 'Flipped' Workshops

  • Blended workshops integrate self-paced, interactive video into the full face-to-face learning experience. Since 2006, KMI has offered pre-class e-learning to enhance the in-class experience.
  • Introducing the concept of the "flipped classroom" in 2013 has allowed us to focus on exercises in the live classroom ... with a goal of building the student's Personal KM Portfolio™ of real world templates and experiences.
  • Blended learning and ‘Flipping‘ are both enabled by self-paced,
    e-learning. The KM Institute is unique in providing these techniques to maximize the learning experience.  

The benefit to the student is access to the most comprehensive workshop experience possible.

White Paper: "The Flipping Concept"

2) Self-Paced e-Learning on Demand

  • Unable to attend a live workshop due to budget, travel or time constraints?
  • Prefer completely self-paced e-learning?
  • Whatever the reason, KMI's self-paced e-learning delivery allows the learner to complete training at his/her own pace, in the office or at home.

Our Certification and Awareness level programs are all available via self-paced e-learning.

Click for more on Self-paced eLearning on Demand [01:27]

3) Virtual Classes and Collaboration

KMI's virtual certification programs integrate our complete self-paced curriculum with virtual, online mentoring. The benefit to you is the same convenience as the self-paced mode, with the added experience of online mentoring sessions and group learning with your own peers.

Click for more on Virtual Classes & Collaboration [02:50]

KMI Knowledge Hub

As an enhancement to each of the above delivery modes, all KMI Certification students gain access to the KMI Knowledge Hub for ongoing learning and enrichment.

Click here for access to the K Hub video [02:11]

The Knowledge Hub is the online portal to key components of the KM Institute's KM Body of Knowledge (KMBOK)TM, specifically:

  • Premium enrichment video content delivered by KMI associate instructors.  Generally an hour or so in length, and focusing on specialty topics such as KM Methods, Personal KM, Change Management and KM Technology.
  • KM Maturity assessments, diagnostic tools, case studies and other resource documents referenced in the CKM Program.
  • Updates on program enhancements and additional training opportunities, such as our Certified Knowledge Specialist courses.
  • Additional resources to be added to the Hub as they become available.

Are you a graduate of the KM Institute's CKM, CKP™ or CKS programs?  Contact: for an invitation to join the Knowledge Hub today!

How to Contact Us

3554 Founders Club Drive, Sarasota, FL, 34240 (USA)

Phone: (US) 1-703-327-7096


What's Coming Up

Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM) Class for North America