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Four Key Reasons Why Organizations Should Manage Their Knowledge

August 14, 2020

Organizations irrespective of whether they have a formal KM function or not, will have to manage knowledge for the four following reasons:

1. Safeguarding & institutionalizing knowledge: Knowledge that an organization has at its disposal decides its competitiveness. The ability to safeguard this critical knowledge and ensure it is institutionalized determines both long term survival and competitiveness of organizations.

2. Addressing information and knowledge deficiency: Employees typically spend around 33% of their time looking for information and knowledge. Finding the right information and knowledge easily has a direct impact on their productivity.

3. Bring down variation in performing key tasks: The way tasks are performed within an organization may vary if best practices are not shared across. Without sharing, we will have silos of highly efficient teams followed with many inefficient teams.

4. Acquiring and creating knowledge to stay with industry: Industry keeps growing by creating new knowledge to improve efficiency & effectiveness. Organizations need to keep track of the developments & inculcate those new learning.

Check if you are doing all this?

How Knowledge Management Helps Make Remote Work, Work

July 29, 2020

COVID-19 has transformed the global workforce. Many organizations, including DAI, have transitioned to almost wholly remote working. And while collaborating across locations has always been necessary at DAI—we work in more than 100 countries—the scale of remote collaboration, with so many staff working from home, has never been this great.

98 percent of staff self-report that they can effectively perform their work from home.

Is remote work working? Our internal surveys suggest that it is. Asked about their experience since the lockdown started in March, 98 percent of staff self-report that they can effectively perform their work from home, and just more than half believe they’re actually more productive in their new remote working arrangement, for reasons we’ll get into later. One of the reasons we’ve been successful in the Nigeria office in particular is a commitment to knowledge management (KM).








KM is a discipline that improves the productivity of organisations by leveraging technology, processes, and organizational culture to better share, apply, create, capture, and store knowledge. Poor KM practices duplicate efforts, compromise quality by following less-than-best practices, waste time searching for existing resources, and jeopardize business opportunities when personnel fail to share knowledge. Good KM improves the generation and flow of useful information for decision making, builds smart organizations by making learning routine, and encourages a culture of trust that fosters innovation and productivity.

In DAI’s Nigeria office, we have focused on deploying approaches, activities, and technology crucial to the delivery of results for clients, meeting the development needs of beneficiaries, and being a successful business. Here’s what we’ve learned over the past four months supporting DAI’s remote work and delivery efforts.

Four KM Lessons Learned

Knowledge Sharing Enables Collaboration and Project Delivery:

Knowledge sharing is always critical to organizational success but even more so when teams are apart. To share knowledge effectively during the pandemic, we have had to tap a deep reservoir of trust, commit to virtual engagement, and energize our communications.

COVID-19 has confirmed that our culture of trust, corporate kindness, collaboration, and collegial care is strong.

Building Trust: Knowledge sharing is helped or harmed by the underlying organizational culture, and that in turn is shaped by senior management and the behaviors and incentives it intentionally or inadvertently encourages over time. DAI’s team in Nigeria was established in 2018 with the acquisition of former partner GRID Consulting and now consists of 40 employees in Lagos and Abuja. From the outset, the management team took steps to foster a shared identity and “One DAI” culture, including group strategic planning and team-building workshops. COVID-19 has confirmed that our culture of trust, corporate kindness, collaboration, and collegial care is strong.

Engaging Virtually: Meetings are the bane and bedrock of corporate workdays. While they may take up productive time, when done properly they are valuable vehicles for the creation, recognition, use, and exchange of both tacit and explicit knowledge. Since the lockdown, the Nigeria office has used the video conferencing platform Microsoft Teams to host new, inclusive organizational get-togethers such as our COVID-19 Crisis Response Team and weekly all-staff meetings. Prior to the crisis, the Nigeria office held weekly meetings in the two separate office locations, Abuja and Lagos. The shift to remote work has actually brought the two offices closer together in that respect, helping us to maintain accountability, boost morale, and reinforce connections.

Strengthening Communications: The double whammy of responding to the health crisis and managing a remote workforce has underscored the need to communicate even more frequently, and with more stakeholders. In a weekly internal and monthly external newsletter, for example, we create knowledge flows for project staff, partners, consultants, clients, and beneficiaries. Internally, new WhatsApp Messenger Group chatrooms allow us to sustain immediate, professional, courteous, productive, and supportive conversations among the team. Increasingly, employees and project staff are using the platform to circulate new government directives, announce new wins, share documents, seek collaborators, and check in on colleagues and their wellbeing.

Knowledge Storing Supports Staff Autonomy

Remote work makes it impossible to drop by an associate’s desk to be reminded of a process or shown where a document is. Employees need to act more independently, which entails useful resources being available, personnel knowing how to find them, and systems helping them find resources they may not even be looking for.

Good KM enables “findability” and “discoverability” by leveraging technology such as resource repositories and developing good taxonomies. Our Nigeria KM unit has collated, archived, and shared links to templates, tools, guidelines, proposals, reports, case studies, and image libraries in increasingly rich repositories, and is working to aggregate resources from DAI projects previously stored on disparate websites.

Remote Knowledge Creation Requires a Willingness to Experiment

Much of the work we do developing proposals, conceptualizing technical delivery, and managing projects requires group brainstorming, deliberation, and problem-solving, often in face-to-face incubators and co-creation settings. Remote ideation is a challenge, but we have found that active facilitation by our trained KM unit has yielded productive brainstorming, work planning workshops, after-action reviews, and informal coaching sessions. Over the past 17 weeks, we have leveraged online collaborative platforms to jointly deliver business proposals, technical reports, and even a documentary film.

Effective remote collaboration requires that staff enter the process with the right mindset—primed for openness, innovation, and experimentation—which in turn presupposes a degree of trust in the facilitator and the other participants.

Invest in Digital Technology and Digital Know-How

Needless to say, effective remote working requires the right technology, from Webex and Microsoft Teams to Google Hangouts and Mural. But it also requires familiarity with the technology, and a distinct set of people skills to facilitate online rather than in-person interactions. As we adapt to the landscape of remote delivery, DAI is fortunate that its in-house Center for Digital Acceleration (CDA) and Office of Information Management Technology (OIMT) provide business units and project teams not only with state-of-the-art tech, but with world-class training, support, and experience in the soft skills—the how-to of online training, webinars, and interactive workshops—that make those platforms perform. To take just one example: cybersecurity has emerged as an everyday, every-employee concern as work shifts to the home. DAI’s IT team shares tips and useful reports every week on how to keep systems and client interactions safe from online harms.

Is Remote Work Working?

Can wholly remote teams be as productive as co-located teams? Four months into the experiment, the jury is still out—perhaps the optimal set-up is some kind of hybrid. But it is clear that over the remote-work period, DAI’s Nigeria office has been able to help individual employees work better, help clients respond to the pandemic, and find digital ways to deliver our projects, all while contributing to better public health by curbing coronavirus spread.

Remote work enables increased flexibility and autonomy and frees employees from a rigid, one-size-fits-all work window, meaning that staff are able to work in a more personalized environment.

An anonymous staff survey and anecdotal evidence suggests that the average employee delivers more outputs and is more productive while working from home than onsite. Just over half of all staff reported that working from home has enhanced productivity, partly as a result of having work hours available previously lost to commuting. Colleagues in Lagos have gained up to an astounding four extra hours daily and employees with more flexible schedules are generally working more hours.

In terms of quality, remote work enables increased flexibility and autonomy and frees employees from a rigid, one-size-fits-all work window, meaning that staff are able to work in a more personalized environment: complete solitude for the loners, background music for those who prefer it; working late into the night for our night owls, or the opposite for our early birds. The flexibility to work in optimal conditions—and perhaps an increased sense of personal ownership that comes with working alone—has reduced the need for rework, we find, and led employees to be more accountable.


Ultimately, the measure of remote work will be our success in delivering development results. In the period we have worked remotely, the Nigeria office has successfully started up two new programmes: the European Union-funded Technical Assistance to Strengthen Public Financial Management, Statistics, Monitoring, and Evaluation Systems in Yobe State; and the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Youth-Powered Ecosystem to Advance Urban Adolescent Health and Well-Being. We have completed delivery of and closed out two projects, and the office has continued to deliver results on 10 more.

The key point is that remote work does not just happen by default. It requires sustained investments in a high-trust organizational culture, guided by a clear strategy and deliberate execution. Establishing a sound KM culture has been an integral part of that strategy, and thoughtfully creating, capturing, sharing, and storing knowledge has stood DAI in Nigeria in good stead for the stress test of COVID-19.

Keynote Presentation from KM Showcase: "KM2020 and Beyond"

April 14, 2020

Check out the full video and more at our KM Showcase 2020 Recap Page...


Reflections on KM Showcase 2020

March 12, 2020

Last week, Senture, LLC staff sponsored, exhibited, and attended KM Showcase 2020 co-presented by KM Institute and Enterprise Knowledge. The Showcase provided an excellent opportunity to meet and engage with KM experts and fully embrace the Learn, Collaborate, and Apply concepts that were evident in conversations in the Exhibit Hall, in speaker presentations from the KM Experts and KM in Practice tracks, and in the plenary sessions.

Fueled by coffee, tea, soda, generous lunches, and afternoon snacks, we shared our own KM work with others, including a successful project with USDA, and absorbed what others shared with us. Many speakers validated our KM thoughts, theories, models, and methodologies. Exhibitors demonstrated new-to-us tools that we can apply to future KM projects. Attendees kindly shared their KM stories—successes and failures—and we grew our KM network considerably in those two days through LinkedIn connections and the exchange of contact information. There was even talk about collaborating on future presentations.

Having spent the last week reflecting on what we learned, we realized that there was a takeaway from every conversation, every presentation, every plenary, and that those takeaways were immediately applicable our ongoing KM work. We’re sharing a few of these takeaways here:

People. Personalization was a hot topic at the Showcase and Jeffrey MacIntyre and Colin Eagan talked about a personalization gap and how to think about the detractors that we might face within our organizations labeled as critic, skeptic, pundit, pragmatist, and box checker. Being able to identify an internal audience in this way is meaningful because it allows us to personalize our message (see how that works?) to move our KM work forward. If we understand that someone is a box checker, we know that there might be some additional work necessary to help that person understand that KM is rarely a one-and-done project. Or that the work is simply over once the technology is up and running.

Process. We heard a collective message about making KM processes easy and even transparent and invisible so that those processes just become the agency way of doing things. Agreed!

Culture. Jen Jensen shared a powerful story about USAA culture and what it means to her. She also gave us an idea for our meetings at Senture, LLC. She said each USAA meeting starts with the Mission and then a story is shared—called a Mission Moment—where a meeting attendee shares an example of an action that embodies the Mission. What a wonderful way to actively promote organizational culture through continued reference to the Mission and shared stories.

Laura Greenlee and Julie Man from Bridgeable shared a KM case study that exemplified how to align KM implementation with an organization’s culture using service design principles. In Bridgeable’s case study, quirky engagement matched the culture. We loved Julie’s beginning rendition of Knowledge Paradise. Who says KM can’t be fun?  

Content. Nestled in the shared content by presenters were some really great phrases that we enjoyed:

  • Perfect is the enemy of good.
  • Invest in search.
  • When you’re building search from scratch, it’s a tough beast.
  • Seek professional help (regarding change management).
  • Address the burning platform (go vanilla, no custom builds).
  • Organizations are managing the wrong stuff (4/5 documents outdated).        

Technology. Thank you to the presenters who used audience polling tools to maintain a high level of engagement. Doug Kalish used Poll Everywhere and we also saw in use (was that you, Joe Hilger?). These are effective ways to engage audience, and we appreciated them. We also appreciated the simple, yet effective approach taken by Mary Little and Kristin McNally with the paper handouts at each table that were meant to spark discussion for their in-session activity. It’s unfortunate that the activity was disrupted by the hotel fire alarm. (If you’re reading this, we’re all safe and were able to re-enter the hotel after a few minutes.) It is always refreshing to hear others share our philosophy that talk about technology should come last in KM and this message resonated with us during Zach Wahl's keynote.

Thank you to those who stopped by to talk about Senture, LLC’s KM work. Thank you to the presenters for sharing amazing content, lessons learned, and ideas to move us forward. Thank you to KM Institute and Enterprise Knowledge for an insightful two days of learning and collaborating. We’re already applying all the good stuff we heard.

We’re happy to talk KM anytime!

Video: KM Showcase 2019 Recap

April 26, 2019

Check out highlights from the KM Showcase 2019.

Save the date - March 4-5, 2020 - for the next Showcase!  The 2-day event will be held at the Westin Arlington Gateway. 

You won't want to miss it!