Extracted from Radical Knowledge Management: using lessons learned from artists to create sustainable workplaces, in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: AI in Business, Knowledge and Innovation Management Section.
Next Creative KM Certification class is coming up: Oct 15, 17, 22, 24, 2024 (half days, 9am-12:30pm EST). Based on the "Radical KM" methodology and taught by the author of the program, Stephanie Barnes. Details here...
What is Radical KM?
Radical KM is a call to action for knowledge management to step outside the box and consider the needs of knowledge workers. What do knowledge workers need in order to be successful in the 21st century? What will help them deal with the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) of our organisations and economic systems.

While a balanced approach to people, process, and technology are what make knowledge management successful, technology, is, at best, an enabler, not the end point or even the point of knowledge management. Knowledge management is about connecting people to the knowledge they need to do their jobs. In the past this has been about processes to extract and share knowledge and the technology to store and facilitate knowledge transfer. It has been about stores of knowledge; however, the further society moves into the knowledge and digital age the less it needs stores of knowledge. Stores of knowledge maximized efficiency and effectiveness but minimized creativity and innovation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) drives this even further by being able to learn and perform human-like tasks.
One of the things that differentiates humans from AI is our creativity and yet, this is the very thing that has been educated out of us in our focus to be efficient and effective. It is knowledge management’s job to bring it back, to facilitate it within our organisations, this is the knowledge that people need in order to do their jobs in the 21st century. In the age of AI people will do the things that AI is not good at: creativity.

(Figure 1: Radical Knowledge Management)