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Why Knowledge Management Needs to be Agile

July 3, 2023
Guest Blogger Ekta Sachania

An agile knowledge management framework is indispensable in today’s business environment. By embracing agility, organizations can adapt quickly, foster collaboration, enhance efficiency, promote continuous learning, and mitigate risks effectively. Investing in an agile knowledge management framework is a strategic move that can drive success and ensure long-term competitiveness.

There are several compelling reasons why agility is essential in knowledge management:

Intellectual Capital in Constant Evolution: The realm of knowledge is in a perpetual state of expansion and evolution. With new information, research findings, and best practices emerging regularly, it becomes crucial for organizations to adopt an agile knowledge management framework. This framework enables the swift capture, sharing, and updating of knowledge, ensuring the organization remains relevant and competitive in the ever-changing landscape.

Rapid Response to Market Changes: Agile framework enables organizations to swiftly respond to market changes, customer demands, and emerging trends. By embracing an agile approach to knowledge management, companies can identify new opportunities, adapt their strategies, and make well-informed decisions based on the most up-to-date knowledge available.

Accelerated Learning and Innovation: Agile knowledge management promotes continuous learning and encourages employees to experiment, share insights, and collaborate. This fosters a culture of innovation, allowing organizations to harness the collective intelligence of their workforce and drive innovation more effectively.

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Agile knowledge management frameworks facilitate seamless collaboration across teams, departments, and geographies. By enabling employees to access relevant information, expertise, and best practices, it breaks down silos and fosters cross-functional collaboration.

Continuous Improvement: Agile knowledge management provides the flexibility to adapt to changing business needs based on feedback, lessons learned, and emerging trends. This allows for continuous improvement and ensures that the knowledge management framework remains aligned with organizational goals and values. And indeed it has been proven time and time again that KM can succeed only when aligned with organizational goals and business needs.

Employee Empowerment and Engagement: Employees need to continuously upskill to perform their jobs effectively. An agile knowledge management framework empowers employees by giving them access to the latest information, trends, resources, and training opportunities. The result is an increase in employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity. In addition, it promotes a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging employees to take responsibility for their learning and development.

Risk Mitigation: Agility in knowledge management helps organizations mitigate risks associated with outdated or inaccurate information. By constantly updating and validating knowledge, companies can minimize errors and avoid costly mistakes while dealing with clients and customers.

By embracing agility in knowledge management, organizations can foster a culture of continuous improvement and achieve their strategic objectives. Investing in an agile knowledge management framework is a strategic move that can drive success and ensure long-term competitiveness.


Are you Keeping UP with the Latest Knowledge Management Trends?

June 24, 2023

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, it is crucial to stay ahead of the competition by keeping up with the latest trends and technologies.

One such area where companies need to constantly keep up is knowledge management. Organizations can no longer deny the role of KM in fostering innovation, keeping clients and customers happy, and keeping a competitive edge. However, if your existing KM framework does not keep up with the trends and is suitably aligned with your changing organizational goals, you will not be able to maximize the potential of your knowledge resources.

Whether it’s through implementing new technologies or adopting new strategies for knowledge sharing and collaboration, there are many ways to stay ahead of the curve and position your business for success in the ever-evolving competitive landscape. With the right tools and techniques, you can unlock the full potential of your knowledge assets and drive your business forward.

Let’s now discuss some of the key Knowledge Management trends, and do a self-evaluation of where you stand today in keeping up with them.

1 – AI is trending everywhere KM is no exception
Integrating AI technology can significantly enhance the knowledge management process within organizations by streamlining tasks such as categorization, tagging, classification, content analysis, and more. By leveraging AI, organizations can automate these processes, freeing up valuable time and resources for more critical tasks. Furthermore, AI integration can improve the accuracy and consistency of data management, leading to better decision-making and improved overall performance. In short, AI integration is a powerful tool that can help organizations optimize their knowledge management processes and achieve greater success.

2 – In KM Socialization and Collaboration is the key to KM success
Collaboration and socialization tools, such as Wikis, CoPs, online forums, and teams, offer a valuable space for employees with diverse regions, skills, and expertise to come together and brainstorm. These forums can be effectively utilized to connect with experts, obtain answers to queries, and learn from others. By employing collaboration techniques like buddy and AMA sessions, design thinking, and storytelling, organizations can effectively leverage the tacit knowledge of their employees and make it available to the wider organization.

3 – Breaking Silos and Integrating it with Business Goals and systems
KM cannot survive or thrive in Silos. It has to be well integrated not only with the organizational culture but also with the business systems to improve KM adoption and experience among the employees.  This integration can facilitate the implementation of workflow automation, leading to a more comprehensive view of customer and organizational knowledge leading to streamlined workflows, reduced clutter, and improved employee satisfaction.

4 – Get on to the Automation Bandwagon
Automation is the way to improve efficiency, prevent the reinvention of wheels, and reduce time and effort in the delivery of products and services.

Automating all the knowledge-intensive tasks can lead to a reduction in errors in knowledge, and improved speed and accuracy as well as Automation can help you effectively manage vast amounts of data and repetitive tasks which can pose a significant challenge for employees to manually perform.

5 – Improved UX and Intelligent Search Experience
KM has to be like a restaurant where employees keep coming for more. Well, that is only possible when delivery is exceptional, fast, accurate, and constantly improved upon feedback. A user-friendly interface that finds accurate information faster with few clicks, and is easy to navigate is one of the most crucial components of a successful KM framework.

A well-designed Knowledge Management (KM) interface can significantly enhance the usability, user adoption, knowledge sharing, user engagement, and overall user satisfaction of a KMS. 

Similarly, Intelligent search can help organizations effectively break down silos and provide employees with more accurate and personalized search results by utilizing advanced AI technologies such as machine learning, computer vision, semantic search, and natural language processing. By breaking down data silos, Intelligent search enables businesses to extract information from any data source, making it easier for employees to access the information they need to perform their jobs effectively.

 It is imperative to stay informed and up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in KM to ensure that your organization remains competitive and continues to thrive. So, make sure to stay on top of the latest trends in Knowledge Management and keep your organization ahead of the curve.


Key Focus Areas for Every Knowledge Manager

June 14, 2023

The specific activities and priorities of a knowledge manager may vary depending on the size, industry, and unique needs of an organization. However, the primary objective of a knowledge manager is always to establish a suitable framework for gathering and organizing company knowledge, followed by its appropriate placement fr easy accessibility by others as well as taking relevant measures to drive awareness and adoption through various collaboration channels.

It is imperative to ensure that the knowledge is readily available to all stakeholders, thereby enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Here are some key focus areas for any knowledge manager to successfully establish and implement a KM framework that does not burn out in the long run but actually becomes a part of the organizational culture and day-to-day working of all the employees.

Leading an organization through a significant cultural change will be much easier if you’ve got a team of champions or SPOCs to drive awareness and adoption. That’s why one of the first things you should do as a knowledge manager is finding the employees in your organization who are equally on board with the idea of knowledge management and its perks and are ready to work with you to drive the KM change within their teams.

1. Creating a Knowledge Army

Ideally, you want a team of knowledge champions or SPOCs from different, teams, service lines, offerings, and regions.  Look for people who can influence others to prioritize knowledge management. Sure, technology is important, but it’s the right people who will create the culture change you need and build a knowledge-sharing and collaborative culture. So, focus on finding those rockstar team members and you’ll be well on your way to success!

2. Getting Top Leadership Buy-In and Support

Bringing the senior leadership on board is the first step as well as can prove to be the biggest challenge if your KM plan does not align with the strategic goals and business priorities and clearly highlights the tangible benefits, KM can offer to the organization.

You do not only require their buy-in but also support to drive KM adoption top-down by aligning it with organization culture, and employee growth roadmap. With their backing, the knowledge manager can focus on identifying and implementing strategies that yield immediate results. These quick wins serve as a catalyst for change and help build momentum toward a more comprehensive knowledge management system.

3. Keep Uour Focus on Cultural-level Change

It is a common challenge for workers to resist change, and this is especially true when it comes to knowledge management initiatives. This resistance is not due to a lack of understanding of the value of such initiatives, but rather because workers are already overwhelmed with their existing workload. Collaborating with stakeholders across the organization is essential for implementing a culture of knowledge management successfully. Sharing a vision and establishing a shared mission is crucial to this collaboration defining the value of knowledge management practices for each team. By doing so, workers will understand how knowledge management can ease their workload and provide opportunities for skill development, visibility, and career growth.

When workers understand the importance of supporting knowledge management, and leaders are committed to making it happen, the organization can make the necessary changes to the value system of knowledge workers. This shift in mindset can drive greater collaboration and ultimately lead to a more successful and efficient organization.

How KM is Transforming Into Innovation Management

June 13, 2023

Today, clients want to "Capture" great ideas, and that is why Project Teams are called to ensure each Idea is tracked and showcased. In enabling Innovation Day as a KMer I have partnered with Six Sigma and other Agile Experts and created Systemic processes around 100's of ideas that were showcased during Innovation Day. The real challenge is if the client likes the idea and asks, "what is the Next Thing that is putting this into Action?"

An Idea Portal is a Centre Stage Tool that enables everyone to Collaborate and Share their Information. The rules are simple:

Step 1: Collect and Track Each Idea.
Step 2: Estimate the Costs and Benefits of Each Idea.
Step 3: Measure the Implementation of Each Idea.
Step 4: Calculate the Added Value of Each Idea.
Step 5: Determine the Innovation Rate Across the Organization

The ideal situation is to ensure the Knowledge Base has a Tracking
tool that everyone uses. It rarely happens as Team Leaders, Project Managers, Project Lead and their teams are busy with many actions during their work week. So, for achieving Step-1 we used a Visual Board and made sure through a Daily Huddle everyone Shared their learnings.

During the Sharing, it was the responsibility of the Scrum Master to evaluate the Novelty of the Lessons Learned and guide the team to engage in a Discussion, aligning some of those Learnings translate into possibilities for Improved processes aligned to Better Ways of Working.  So, the Top Improvement Areas are aligned to the Visual Dashboard and have Process Owners assigned who could take Ownership for the Insight.

As the daily huddle continues, these Process Owners are taught through Coaching with their Team Leads, to align the Idea to one area of Client Delivery Themes that could be automated; improved through lean / six sigma or better new process defined that called for rationale investment. Here is where Creative KM helps...

During the client visits, the Team Leads presented the best Improvements to the Client Sponsor, and it is their responsibility to Select those who can truly be taken for a Nomination to the Portfolio Client Leaders.

On Innovation Day the Best Awarded Ideas are represented with a clear Action Plan and Ownership assigned from both sides for a Proof of Concept and then measured for Business Value. Some of these translate into newly automated processes that save X amount of time, some save cost and other quality.

It is important for these rewarded Ideas to go back into the Knowledge Base and be looked at as Best Practices and those SMEs who aided in the creation - evaluation - presentation / defense and implementation be seen as one Expert Team.

Now we can see how an Idea Portal that starts as a tracking mechanism becomes a Collaborative Portal where both Clients and Service Providers aid in Innovation Management. It involves elevating existing ways of working and investing in celebrating Sharing of Insights into Innovative Ideas. The ultimate goal is to ensure the Expert Network is elevating Individual Learning into Team Experts, who are available to Coach others and Knowledge Build for ensuring the Organizational is winning through some of these becoming Client IPs and patents. 

It is important that such 'in-time Idea' Portals lead to Measuring Continuous Improvements and hence Organizational KPIs around Innovation are important as below.

  • Number of new ideas proposed
  • Proportion of ideas selected for implementation
  • Revenue generated from new ideas
  • Percentage of sales from new products
  • Customer satisfaction with new products
  • Speed to market
  • Lessons learned


So, have you implemented your Idea Portal and are measuring the ROI around Business Strategy? 


Innovation Management is not new to Knowledge Management Professionals. It is how we enable our teams and support them through planning the Innovation Day or other forums that truly gets Community to come forward and Ideate.

It is important that we drive Engagement through participation where everyone feels they are being rewarded and a Visual Dashboard is a great start.  It is important that through practices like a Daily Huddle we engage Experts like a Scrum Master and continue to Capture Ideas in an idea Portal. The highest contribution is enabling those sharing these Ideas to apply their minds as Process Owners and defend their Solutioning Mindset; and for this we need Team Leads trained in Six Sigma, Lean etc to align their random theories to Structured Thinking that are seen as Measured ways of Implementing an idea.

Our role today as Knowledge Management Professionals is to be an artist. We are called to all be Consultants and engage in many Creative KM Practices that can create a KM Culture enabling Expert Networks that drive Innovation.  Through numerous KM Events and the Champion Networks we aid in sustaining these Creative workspaces and doing lot more leading to impacting Organizational Standards It is important that CXOs see KM as a game-changer and invest in truly creation of a KM Culture that supports Continuous Improvements aligned to Innovation Management.

You are a Knowledge Manager? Well, What Does That Even Mean?

June 1, 2023

As a knowledge manager, I often struggle to convey the importance of my role to those outside of the KM community. For most, you can be a content writer or a technical writer, but if you explain that you manage all this knowledge and make it accessible to everyone in the organization, they draw blank.

So here is a simple definition to explain what it is and its purpose in the organization. Hope it helps when next time you have to explain how critical is your role for your organization.

Our role is to ensure that valuable information is not only captured but also made accessible to everyone within the company with the right metadata and tagging to ensure that the right knowledge is delivered when looking for specific topics. This means that we are responsible for creating systems and processes that allow for seamless knowledge sharing and collaboration.

By collecting and organizing data, we can ensure that everyone has access to the knowledge they need to make informed decisions and drive innovation.

But that's not all - knowledge management also involves collaboration and the creation of new ideas. By working together, we can generate fresh insights and push the boundaries of what's possible for the growth of employees and the organization as a whole.

In today's fast-paced business world, having access to the right information at the right time can mean the difference between success and failure. That's why knowledge management is critical to any organization's success.

So the next time someone asks you what you do as a knowledge manager, don't be afraid to share this exciting and important role with them. After all, knowledge is power, and we are the gatekeepers of that power! So KM is much more than storing and sharing knowledge and it's all about managing possibilities to help your employees grow, learn, share and innovate and deliver the best outcomes to clients and customers.