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How Can Knowledge Management Systems Help In Faster Onboarding Of Employees?

December 18, 2022

Companies put new hires through a rigorous training process. However, the time and resource costs are substantial. Companies invest an average of $1,308 annually in the training of one employee. Therefore, it is crucial to concentrate on programmes that ease tension and make the onboarding process economical. 

Onboarding, however, usually takes more time than necessary. According to statistics, 58% of businesses acknowledge that the onboarding process they use is largely paper-based and convoluted. Here, choosing a knowledge management system would enable better distribution, storage, and preservation of all intellectual capital within an organization.

In the end, it ensures improved communication and knowledge transfer within the organization and better training procedures. You can gain access to a knowledge base that is secure and provides self-service with tools like knowledge management system.

Employee Onboarding: Why Should You Pay Attention to It?

It is essential for every business across all industries to hire staff and equip them with an accurate knowledge management system. According to statistics, businesses that concentrate on improving their onboarding procedure observe an increase in employee productivity of 70% and employee retention of 82%.

With the right initiatives, employees are more devoted to their employer in the workplace. When companies make early onboarding process improvements, they see higher employee satisfaction levels and better work quality.

You should realize that proper onboarding calls for more than just hiring new employees and providing them with job-specific training. Instead, brand-new workers need to learn more about the company. They ought to use the information they learn to perform better.

How are knowledge management (KM) and employee onboarding related?

A proper KM system coordinates the onboarding of new employees to offer advantages like:

  • Standardized orientation for employees
  • Worker role understanding is good
  • Higher rates of employee retention
  • Increased employee productivity
  • Heightened interest from customers

Practices in a KM system make the employee onboarding process more functionally seamless. The impact on employee onboarding is as follows:

  • Fast-paced training for new hires using a comprehensive knowledge base
  • New hires can meet deadlines on time with the right information at hand.
  • Assurance of superior work
  • Proper task assignment and collaboration for faster task completion

The main ways that KM would affect employee onboarding are listed below:

1. For new hires, easy access to current company knowledge base 

The sources of information about their companies are unknown to new employees. It makes sense that they are having trouble finding the information quickly. Employees had to search through several sections in traditional onboarding processes to find a single piece of information. That takes a lot of time, though, which leaves new hires with less time to concentrate on other crucial elements.

As a result, it's crucial to introduce new hires to your KM platform at an early stage of the onboarding procedure and to ensure that they are aware of the information that is stored there and how to find it. Implementing a KM system will empower the employees to locate the information they need quickly whenever it is needed (without having to look for a subject matter expert or spend time searching through different files and folders).

Building a knowledge base can serve as a single location for all information so that new hires can quickly conduct data searches as needed. It provides a safe platform for sharing files and documents where you can keep all downloads and files and give your staff easy access to them.

2. Benefits from Self-Service

When brands include a knowledge management system in their onboarding programme, new hires can experience an independent working environment. They can look up information about the business, including tacit, implicit, and explicit knowledge, with ease. 

Clean code customization

The information and codes on this platform are all clearly laid out and readable. For better categorization, filters are available. It makes systematic searching simpler for both new and seasoned employees.

Strong search engine 

This platform's centralized knowledge base comes with a top-notch search engine. The fast deep indexed details allow employees to quickly search for any information in the system and obtain it in a matter of seconds. Users can also easily find files without knowing their names thanks to the software.

3. Quick Onboarding

Companies must quickly induct new hires into the duties of the organization. They can begin the actual work more quickly in this way. As a result, in traditional onboarding programmes, existing employees spent a considerable amount of time educating new hires on company policies, customer information, arrangements, employee training tools, and partner names.

It has two negative effects on businesses. Older employees spend a large portion of their workdays training rather than performing their duties, whereas new hires take a long time to learn. Employees can easily access company processes, policies, cycles, and frameworks with the help of a well-structured knowledge base.

As a result, new hires can progress through their training programme more quickly, and senior employees can concentrate on increasing productivity. Implementing a knowledge management platform ensures better time management by lowering the overall stress of existing employees supporting new hires. Find out more about how a central knowledge base reduces the time needed for employee training.

Higher Productivity

Employees who are familiar with their roles are more likely to carry out their tasks successfully, and the onboarding process teaches new hires the best practices for doing so. If they have the necessary knowledge base. 

According to statistics, an effective onboarding procedure increases new hires' chances of staying with a company by 82%.

More effective teamwork

Early on, it's impossible for new hires to seamlessly integrate into teams and existing organizations. They typically have a way to communicate with coworkers and other professionals who are training them thanks to the onboarding programme.

Users can benefit from services like Knowledge Collaborations thanks to knowledge management system programmes. Here, everyone on the team and the creators of the content can communicate, exchange ideas, and pass messages cooperatively for complete social team participation.












If customers receive timely resolutions, the customer experience (CX) can be improved. Customers' questions are likely to be handled more effectively by trained staff. Better and more knowledgeable agents encourage brand loyalty. Additionally, the customer forms an impression of the business in their mind and develops a sense of trust for it. 

Employee onboarding benefits both customers and agents with the help of a knowledge management system.

Knowledge Management for Designing Work Schedules for Optimal Productivity

December 5, 2022

A comprehensive knowledge management system can unlock new levels in your business. If you’re unfamiliar with knowledge management, it’s a system that helps you collect, store, organize, and share knowledge and information across your company.

That information includes human resources (HR) data. Collecting information about your employees and their lifecycle within your company can do wonders for maximizing productivity and engagement.

The way you create work schedules, in particular, can be much more effective with the help of a knowledge management platform.

Why Knowledge Management Is Critical for Creating Schedules

Flexible work schedules are growing in popularity. In fact, “when people have the chance to work flexibly, 87 percent of them take it,” according to Mckinsey & Company.

But it’s much more complex to create flexible schedules than most realize, especially if the information you have about your employees is bare or inaccurate. A knowledge management platform helps you collect and organize the data you need to create flexible schedules more efficiently.

For example, long commutes can be harmful to an employee’s health. The unpredictability of commuting can be incredibly stressful and anxiety-provoking, resulting in unhealthy behaviors like grabbing fast food for breakfast to beat traffic or negative self-talk all the way to work.

You can document how long each employee’s commute is with knowledge management. And then, use this information to determine which employees should work from home or which can come in a little later to avoid long, stressful commutes.

Or, let’s say a few of your employees do their best work in the morning while others do their best work late at night. Making notes about this in your knowledge management system enables you to create schedules accommodating both types of employees.

With access to the most relevant employee information, you can make better-informed decisions about work schedules and inspire optimal productivity.

Data to Collect to Design Work Schedules for Optimal Productivity

To design work schedules for maximum productivity, you must use the information in your knowledge management system properly.

But first, it’s essential to collect accurate data about your employees that will help you understand each of their unique needs, strengths, and preferences. Start with the data below.

When your employees do their best work

Employees love flexible schedules because they can design them to fit according to their preferences and their lifestyle. Instead of forcing your employees to adhere to a schedule that doesn’t inspire their best work, you can design one that does. 

For example, let’s say one of your employees has insomnia and catches up on sleep during the day. Expecting them to come to work at 7 am with their best foot forward isn’t realistic. They’ll likely experience brain fog that disrupts their concentration, focus, and ability to perform.

If you ask them when they do their best work and their preferred hours, you’ll find out that they prefer to work at night and can do their best work then. Armed with that information, you can design a schedule that helps them avoid brain fog and produce high-quality work.

So, ask each employee their preferred work hours and when they think they do their best work and record it in your knowledge management platform.

Family obligations and outside responsibilities

Even though a good work-life balance has been proven to inspire engagement, enthusiasm, and dedication in one’s job, many employers neglect to ensure their employees can take advantage of it.

Optimal productivity is on the other side of ensuring your employees have a full life outside of work. Designing a schedule that accommodates this need is integral. You can do this by collecting information about your employee’s family obligations and outside responsibilities.

Makes notes about the following for each employee and consider them when creating schedules:

●      If an employee is married

●      If they go to school or have a second job

●      If they’re caring for a sick or disabled loved one

●      What are their outside interests and passions are

●      Whether an employee is pregnant or has children

You can collect this information in a variety of ways, but if your main focus is convenience, you can gather this information through knowledge management software.

Work duties

As much as you may want to offer your employees flexible scheduling options, it may not be possible after considering their position, accompanying responsibilities, and company needs.

Collect and continuously update information about each employee’s role and responsibilities in your knowledge management system. Also, make notes about organizational needs and what you need from an employee schedule-wise to accommodate them. The more information you collect, the more comprehensive you can be in your optimal working conditions plan.

How To Bring it All Together

How can you use the data above to design the best work schedules for your employees? Well, first, review everything that you’ve learned about your employees. Lay it out so that you can see how each person’s preferred schedule could potentially work together.

After that, start plugging in hours on your scheduling software. Make sure that all the hours you need to be covered are covered. Account for the tasks and responsibilities that need to be done that week as well.

Get a second pair of eyes on the schedule to ensure everything looks good. You could even run it by your employees to get their feedback. Then, finalize the schedule when you’re comfortable.

It’s also essential to ensure everyone understands the ground rules of their flexible schedules. For example, are they expected to come into the office on specific days? Do they need to be available during specific hours? How are they to record their hours? What’s the plan to ensure they’re getting their tasks done to the highest quality?

Lastly, if you can’t accommodate someone’s preferred schedule, sit down with them, explain why, and work with them to develop a suitable alternative.


Work schedules have an undeniable impact on how well your employees perform. A knowledge management platform can help you design flexible work schedules that fit each employee and capitalize on their strengths. Collect the data above in your knowledge management solution and bring it all together to design work schedules that prompt maximum productivity.

How Effective Knowledge Management Affects Your Company’s Profits

November 24, 2022

Knowledge management can be a powerful tool in the right hands. It has many purposes, but its main goal is to help organizations utilize their knowledge, information, and expertise in a more meaningful way.

One of the ways you can use knowledge management is to increase your company’s revenue. Without further ado, here’s what knowledge management is and how it can affect your company’s profits.

What Is Knowledge Management?

Before getting into the benefits of knowledge management, it’s worth understanding what it actually is. Essentially, knowledge management is about collecting, defining, structuring, managing, and sharing knowledge and information in an organization. Usually, this is knowledge about the experiences of your employees, but it can also be information about other things.

The main goal of knowledge management is to use the organization’s collective knowledge to improve the different aspects of the said organization. For example, the experiences of the employees from one department could inform the decisions of the employees in other departments. The older your organization is, the more knowledge you will have that can be incredibly useful to your current and future employees.

Successful knowledge management requires a culture of constant development, innovation, and learning. Knowledge management can help in all kinds of processes that range from employee transfer and promotion to staff retirement to recruit training. So how exactly can knowledge management be useful for increasing profits?

#1 Improve Decision-Making

Effective knowledge management can help you improve decision-making by informing different departments, teams, and individual employees. When employees have access to the collective knowledge of your entire organization, they will have the experiences and expertise of their colleagues right in their hands.

Informed employees will be able to speed up the decision-making process and even make better decisions by taking into account a wider variety of factors and details. You can use various collaboration tools to further encourage the sharing of opinions and experiences during the brainstorming process.

#2 Grow, Innovate, and Change Culturally

Another reason why knowledge management is so valuable is that it helps you grow, innovate, and change culturally. You will be encouraging your employees to share their own knowledge while making use of the knowledge of their co-workers. This will help you spread more advanced ideas and perspectives on certain topics.

Moreover, such sharing of knowledge is bound to stimulate the growth of your organization and the innovation that will accompany it. Your industry is ever-changing, so being ahead of your competitors will require you to be constantly improving and finding new things, new methods, etc.

#3 Make Information More Accessible

Besides all the ways information and knowledge can now be shared within your organization, you will also be making information more accessible. There is always an issue with accessibility when it comes to sharing knowledge and information, but effective management can solve this problem.

If you need help structuring and managing your information yourself, you can always hire an experienced writer from the writing service Best Essays Education who will help you. This way, you can ensure that all the knowledge of your organization is stored and shared in an efficient way and that everyone has easy access to it.

#4 Avoid Redundant Effort and Expenses

By managing your company’s knowledge effectively, you can avoid redundant effort and expenses which will increase your overall profits. Rather than avoiding redundant effort and expenses in a straightforward way, it is rather an accumulation of different practices that will give you a good result in the end.

For instance, employees will no longer have to spend time doing something over and over again. They can simply check whether this has been done before by their colleagues and learn from those experiences. Instead of reinventing the wheel, employees can streamline their working process and stay motivated consistently.

#5 Increase Customer Satisfaction

In addition to helping employees, effective knowledge management will also have a positive impact on the experiences of your customers. More specifically, you can increase customer satisfaction by using your company’s collective knowledge smartly. You can share some information with your customers, but there’s more to it than having an open knowledge base.

Essentially, because every employee will have access to your organization’s knowledge, each one of them will be able to do a better job and deliver better quality and value to customers. As a result, the overall experience of your customers will improve making them happier and more satisfied with your business.

#6 Reduce the Time of Staff Training

Knowledge management is valuable to your current employees, but it is also incredibly important for those who are joining your team because it can help you reduce the time of staff training. Onboarding and training new hires always take time (if you want to do it properly), but knowledge management can speed up and streamline the process.

By training them with the help of the accumulated knowledge of your organization, you can ensure that they become competent faster and become accustomed to your company before they start working.

#7 Accelerate Customer Delivery

One of the things that contributes to the experience and satisfaction of your customers is delivery – and knowledge management can help you accelerate it. To put it simply, customer delivery is about providing your audience with products and services faster than your competitors would.

You could have the products and services of the same quality as your competitors, but if you are able to deliver them faster to your audience, you will have an upper hand. This delivery can be the literal delivery (i.e., shipping) and the delivery in the sense of presenting the product (i.e., product launch). Moreover, your services can include customer support, advertising, etc. In other words, everything that makes up your customer’s experience with your brand.

#8 Find Information Faster

Last but not least, effective knowledge management allows your employees to find information faster. It may not seem like something particularly important, but the speed at which your team members can find useful knowledge and information could impact all of their activities.

Decision-making, customer delivery, staff training, etc. – all of these are affected by how quickly any given employee can find relevant information. This is precisely why managing your knowledge and information well is so important for a company of any size.


All in all, effective knowledge management can definitely be quite valuable to your organization as it will help you increase profits. Consider other benefits of knowledge management listed in this article and start managing your knowledge more effectively.

5-Point Checklist for Choosing the Right KM Software for Your CX Needs

November 2, 2022

Think about how your customer service representative would deal with a client. They are trying their best, but the knowledge management software you now use makes it impossible for them to find the information they need. 

Was the customer support representative to blame? possibly not. They might have merely been the victims of a slow and ineffective knowledge management software.

Companies started keeping policies, product details, and marketing materials in internal wikis, intranets, and occasionally even Excel spreadsheets years ago. They continued to use their outdated system as it grew more and more obese as the volume of information increased.

Long instruction manuals and recommendations on how to use products are no longer common in business. Customers today dislike any sign of information overload and lack the time and energy to read through lengthy written explanations.

To do this, firms must have competent, contemporary knowledge base repositories to construct structurally solid knowledge base systems.

By allowing the generation, organization and management of information from a single platform, knowledge base builder tools enable a business's knowledge to become an asset.

Choosing a KM Software Checklist

To make sure you have the appropriate knowledge management  software, follow these steps:

Analyze the Situation in Your Business

It is not sufficient to know the knowledge base definition. You must now concentrate on what you want. Before selecting a knowledge base software, you must first understand where you are in order to decide where you want to go.

Analyze your company's current status. Here, a detailed examination with elaborate graphs and charts is not necessary. To find out where and how knowledge is stored, simply do a knowledge audit.

Features you want for your knowledge base should be listed

You undoubtedly want a ton of functionality from your knowledge management software. Just a few items to consider are as follows:

  • Supports multiple languages
  • Easy language creation
  • XHTML code that can be restored from the trash box
  • Personalized services
  • For at least a year, updates are free.
  • Cash-back promise

View Knowledge Base Demos from Various Vendors

It's crucial to choose a few companies and evaluate their knowledge management systems. Demonstration, or demo, allows you to see what the internal knowledge base software is capable of.

However, a lot of sales demos concentrate more on the tool's features than on how to utilize it and its benefits.

Consider requesting three demos of knowledge bases. You can then experiment with the various choices. You gain a sense of what is available and may concentrate more on your requirements after reviewing three vendors.

Know what you want for the structure and design

You aren't truly informed about all of the available knowledge management software options by the knowledge base description. You must therefore be aware of the design and structure you desire.

The knowledge base format looks like this. Most begin with high levels and resemble a standard website home page.

Users can search for items, browse categories, and more based on what they see.

Additionally, your internal knowledge base software needs to be discoverable. If users run into an issue, they must figure out a fix or it won't work.

Sifting through popular articles and highlighting them is one of the main areas of concentration. You should be permitted to enhance search functionality as well.

How do I choose the best software for a knowledge repository?

There are numerous options for knowledge repositories on the market. To reap the anticipated benefits for your company, choosing the appropriate knowledge base repository tool is crucial.

Listed below are some recommendations for the top knowledge management  software.

1. Complete the fundamentals first

You must have the answers to a few fundamental questions that will help you better understand your requirements before choosing the appropriate instrument.

How many users would it have? What purpose will it serve? What qualities do you want from a knowledge management software? What is the cost that you intend to incur?

You may lay the foundation for your search for the greatest knowledge repository tool by using these simple questions. You would be better prepared to properly comprehend your existing and desired state if you obtained answers to all the fundamental questions.

2. Verify the benefit it provides

Checking the tool's value is one of the most important stages you can take on this trip. It concerns the entire package, not just the cost. Consider the whole bundle when shortlisting a few knowledge repository applications rather than just focusing on price.

For instance, two similar-priced tools might both provide you with a better value for your company than the other.

3. Consider the Flexibility Level

Most companies that use knowledge management software need some flexibility to tailor the solution to specific needs. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the tool's level of adaptability for your use case. The quantity of actions a tool can carry out, the ease with which it may be scaled, and the degree of customisation are all examples of flexibility.

If your team presently consists of five individuals, for example, you would need a solution that would enable you to increase users as you add more personnel in the future.

4. Assess the usability

Any knowledge repository tool's success in an organization is typically determined by how simple it is to use. Obtaining the necessary staff buy-in will be difficult if the knowledge management solution is overly complicated and difficult to manage.

Before choosing a tool for your company, it is advised that you evaluate how user-friendly each of the solutions on your shortlist is. Obtaining product demos and using the tool is one technique to contrast the usability of the tools that made the short list.

Final Thoughts

You may choose the best knowledge management software for your company with the aid of these suggestions. The most important thing is to have realistic expectations and a proper understanding before choosing a gadget depending on your needs.

Your first option should be a knowledge management program because it is a user-friendly solution that enables you to produce materials for a better client experience. It provides the ideal ratio of flexibility to overall value you can produce for your company.

5 Critical Knowledge Management Metrics and How to Improve Them

October 26, 2022

Knowledge management (KM)
is essential for ensuring a company’s efficiency.
It contributes to uninterrupted operations even if an employee retires, leaves, or gets promoted. As a result, team members can access information and make decisions based on these files. KM also sustains consistency in the company, creating solid institutional knowledge to
keep a high level of work done.

You may understand the importance of having all the expertise in one place. How do you know this information benefits your organization? That’s where you need knowledge management metrics. These are dedicated parameters showing the company’s performance in terms of spreading data and raising the level of individuals’ and teams’ expertise.

And the reasons for measuring KM performance are numerous. Take website metrics as an example. Some indicators may point out the slow website speed, high bounce rates, or poor conversion rates. In this case, you need to take immediate actions to prevent the business from failing. You may perform Magento 2 performance optimization (or similar steps for your content management system), so users will have a better user experience and buy more.

Knowledge management metrics don’t differ from this case much. Measuring them shows whether people use the information properly. In this article, we’ll talk about KM metrics and how to improve them.

5 Crucial Knowledge Management Metrics You Need to Measure

KM metrics and reports differ depending on the platform. You should also determine the objectives to focus efforts on monitoring the needed aspects of knowledge management. We provide a list of five KM metrics to assess employee engagement.

1. Contribution

What’s the purpose of knowledge management? It’s to unite teams and encourage everyone to share knowledge in a single database. That’s why you need to measure how fast this database grows. The number and frequency of contributions are the first KM metrics we’ll discuss. It demonstrates whether the employees fill the system with new information or update existing content.

Contribution is the fundamental metric for monitoring the effectiveness of knowledge management. If it’s high, the company can enhance processes and increase knowledge. If it’s low, you need to motivate staff to share more and provide examples of how to do it. Use this metric to identify active users, learn about their motivations, and explain these benefits to other employees.

2. Search Statistics

One of the easiest ways to navigate the system and find the desired content faster is to use search. That’s where you may also gain insights into employee behavior. This information will show search frequency, success rate, and most common issues during the working process. Search data comes from these two sources:

  • Search frequency

How often does your team look for answers on the platform? Do they rely on the knowledge base to carry out tasks? While all users have access to the knowledge management platform, it may not be their primary information source. When employees overlook company expertise, it limits business progress. Low search frequency may be a sign of software ineffectiveness or useless information.

  • Search healthiness 

What search terms do employees use the most often? Look at popular keywords or inquiries to determine the most frequently searched words. Search healthiness denotes the number of successful searches in the knowledge base when employees get the desired response. You can also consider the number of unsuccessful results or repeated inquiries when employees strive to get the most relevant information on the subject.

Repeated searches may indicate that the database knowledge needs to be clarified. Improve the structure, navigation, and search relevance by adding necessary keywords. You may also need to create articles to answer a particular question or launch a training program.

3. Software Adoption

Even though adding new content to the system is essential, employees should turn to the knowledge base before performing tasks or asking their colleagues. That’s where adoption rate or account utilization metrics may help. They can demonstrate the number of active accounts and how often people access and use your platform.

Suppose everyone in the organization has created an account. How many of them are active? What trends can you spot regarding account usage? The decline in use may indicate dated content, navigation issues, or poor user onboarding.

4. Interactions

One of the benefits of KM systems is the ability to interact with the content. Employees may discuss issues and get answers from their colleagues. The bottom line is that they should engage with the database to maximize team collaboration.

Specify the posts with the highest engagement and interaction, such as in the form of comments, likes, or shares. This information displays the content popularity and the data people are most interested in.

If this metric leaves much to be desired, conduct surveys to find out the reasons for it. Encourage people to leave comments, ask questions, and rate articles. And explain why it’s essential and how it contributes to better knowledge management.

5. Response Time

Suppose employees comment on the posts or ask questions in forums. How fast do they get the needed reply? The response time metric shows the speed of receiving an answer. Measure successful cases of issue resolution when someone not only answers something but provides necessary help to their colleagues.

Compare this metric with trends in customer interactions. Let’s assume the response rate and time improved. Determine whether it’s thanks to the introduction of the KM system. If employees answer customer questions slowly, how does it relate to using a knowledge management system? Maybe, your staff doesn’t check the platform frequently enough, so they struggle with customer inquiries.

How to Improve Knowledge Management Metrics

Improving these metrics relies on boosting employee engagement. Use the right tools, encourage people to share information, and train them to gain the maximum benefit from the software. This way, you can expand your knowledge base, promote teamwork, and ensure efficiency in all aspects of doing business.

What if some of the metrics could be better, and you want to enhance them? You will need to guarantee that employees integrate the system into their daily routines. For this purpose, we’ve collected several tips to increase the software’s return on investment (ROI).

1. Collect feedback from employees. Take time after introducing the system and ask for feedback. Employees should share their likes, dislikes, and wishes about the tool. Although you may not change everything, this information is a starting point to offer the most suitable solution.

2. Study user behavior. Check their interactions, steps, and the use of features. Your team may skip crucial aspects, so you need to find missed opportunities.

3. Continue to improve the experience. Look for fresh approaches to tailor the platform to your requirements. A knowledge management solution should enable teams to make better decisions, break silos, and improve customer service. Personalize the solution to meet your goals or get a more robust knowledge management platform.


Effective knowledge management involves cooperation, information exchange, learning, and reaching goals. That’s where people and proper tools matter. Your task is to choose the right software and teach staff how to leverage it to ensure you leave no money on the table.

However, the only way to determine the effectiveness of your initiatives is to evaluate them. We’ve examined five crucial knowledge management metrics and how to enhance them. Just as you wouldn’t go with your eyes closed, monitor these indicators to see your progress and intervene if needed.
